Loading checkpoints

There are several ways to load previously trained policies.

Loading a policy in external code

If you are using your own code and want to load a deprl-policy into it, you can use the following example. It is assumed that the passed environment has action_space and observation_space attributes that are used to check if the trained policy matches the gym environment in input and output.

Note that we assume that the last subdirectory is given as a folder.

import gym
import myosuite
import deprl

path = 'myoLegWalk_20230514/myoLeg/'

env = gym.make('myoLegWalk-v0'):
# load here
policy = deprl.load(path, env)

for ep in range(5):
    obs = env.reset()
    for i in range(1000):
        action = policy(obs)
        next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        obs = next_obs

This is different from the pre-trained baselines, because you are able to pass a custom path into the load function.

Continuing training with deprl

When you start a training run, a folder inside working_dir/name with the current date and time as foldername will be created. The working_dir/name path is extracted from the given settings file. After terminating a run, you can then simply call .. code-block:: bash

python -m deprl.main experiments/settings.yaml

If in the config file you have the setting “tonic.resume”: True then the most recent run in the specified working_dir/name will be loaded, where recency is determined by the time and date in the foldername. If resume is False, then a new folder with the current date and time will be created. Make sure you enabled the full_save argument in the config file, see Configuration files. This will continue training from the chosen checkpoint. The full_save argument ensures that not only the policy, but also the replay buffer as well as the optimizer and normalizer states are saved, which are required to continue training. The settings for the continued training run are in this case loaded from the file provided to your main function, not from the settings in your output folder.


While the replay buffer is saved and loaded in chunks to reduce the memory load, there is still a spike in RAM usage during saving.

As an example, we can start training with:

python -m deprl.main experiments/settings.yaml

Now you might cancel training at some point. If you would like to continue, simply call it again:

python -m deprl.main experiments/settings.yaml

and training will continue.


  • The output folder should not change between calls.

  • You must have enabled the option full_save during initial training, otherwise only the actor policy will be loaded.

  • resume should be enabled during loading.

  • If the training time becomes larger than the maximum training steps that you specified, you can edit the settings file in the folder and increase the Trainer(steps=T) value.

  • Don’t cancel training while saving is in progress as this might corrupt large files.

Loading and visualizing a single checkpoint

We refer to the documentation on the play - render policies function. The settings for the play and rendering are loaded from the output folder that you specify.

Loading a pre-trained baseline

We refer to the documentation on the MyoSuite baselines or the Hyfydy baselines functions.